We are hearing the question a lot. “Will a COVID vaccine be required for Cruise Travel or Safe Travel?” The simple answer to this question is that right now, we just don’t know. I suspect that, relevant to a Cruise, it will be a company/brand choice. And if I were to use my prior experience to guess what may happen related to Travel in general, here is what I would say…
In November of 2006 Rob and I, along with our younger daughter were preparing to Fly to Manaus Brazil. We weren’t just vitisting the city of Manaus – we would be traveling through “Amazonia” the Tropical Rainforest surrounding the Amazon River in South America. Of course we were doing our homework to ensure safe travel.
Two of the things we needed for safe travel to visit Brazil, were Yellow Fever & Typhoid Fever Vaccines. We would need to carry proof of the vaccinations along with our passports. We would also need to take malaria pills, beginning before we left!
GOT IT! We are all about being safe travelers!
The Itinerary looked something like this:
In the city of Manaus we would embark on a Princess Cruise ship during the season of high water. This type of voyage is called a “repositioning cruise” as opposed to a “round trip” itinerary. The ship would set sail from Manaus, returning to the United States via the Amazon River and select Caribbean Islands. It would be a one way trip, Manaus to Fort Lauderdale. It was truly fabulous! Our daughter has photos of the burning rainforest that have shaped her personal values.
Here are a few pics!
The documentation called “International Certificate of Vaccination” is issued by the World Health Organization, and certified by a representative that gives the vaccine at any U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as a Public Health Service. Our local Health Department was able to obtain, and administer the vaccines prior to our trip, and issue the Certificate!
Maybe you are thinking this was a requirement of Brazil – – – NOT!
It was a safe traveler requirement of the
United States of America!
Yellow Fever & Typhoid Fever have not been eliminated in Brazil. Therefore, we are not allowed to travel there, potentially exposing ourselves to the deadly disease, and return to U.S. soil. Makes sense, right? The most recent outbreak of Yellow Fever in the United States was in New Orleans in 1905. 452 people died. About 350 people are diagnosed with typhoid fever in the U.S. each year. Typhoid Fever is a form of Salmonella. According to the CDC people become infected while traveling abroad, to countries where these diseases are common.
Why would anyone believe that we should allow travelers to deliver or bring back disease?
We are safe TRAVELERS! We are NOT STOPPING because of COVID19! The Pandemic isn’t over – but we are definately itching to travel again! Somewhere! Anywhere, actually! So we responsibly obtained a COVID19 Vaccine as soon as we were able to.
I think it is fair to say that the passage of time will show us that a COVID vaccine is added to the list of International Vaccines that are required for safe Travel. It’s a no brainer. The United States is NOT going to let people travel to places where COVID still exists, expose themselves and return. I just can’t see that happening.
Why would anyone believe that we should allow travelers to deliver or bring back disease? We received our second dose of the Pfizer Vaccine this morning!
Got Vaccine! – for Safe Travel!
In two weeks it will be 95% effective! Where should we go? Our Greek Island cruise isn’t until November.
Vaccinating for travel is nothing new. It is not Political! It is nothing more than COMMON SENSE for Safe Travel and being a responsible human!
Need yours? Contact your local Health Department or Neighborhood Pharmacy. Get signed up. Get on the list! In our area vaccines are available from Walgreens, Meijer’s, the Health Department and certain Health Clinics!
Almost every member of our family has received their vaccine so far – and no one has experienced a life threatening reaction or side effect. An no one has grown an extra arm, third ear or any of that!
Just DO IT!
Because it’s the right thing to do…..
FYI – Travel Like an Architect advocates for safe and adventurous Cruise Travel! We LOVE letting a Cruise Line “Blueprint our Next Vacation” by making all of our transportation arrangements. It allows us to dive deep into destination research and planning of the things we want to do! Our friends at Cruises Inc always have the BEST DEALS!
We welcome like minded people to travel with us! Want to join us in the Greek Islands, Israel and Egypt in November?
Aspire to #TravelLikeAnArchitect ?
Get vaccinated so that you can travel safely and not SPREAD or bring back a deadly souvenir!
What we can tell you FOR SURE is that there is pent up DEMAND for safe travel. And as soon as one ship sails from the United States – the SUPPLY WILL DEMINISH. So get in ahead of the masses and BOOK NOW to have your preferences fulfilled! We will happily help you with anything September 2021 and BEYOND. Our professional advise is don’t WAIT, or you may be outta luck…
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