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Visit amazing places you may otherwise avoid – Cruise there!

Writer's picture: Lynn Lundstrom BellesLynn Lundstrom Belles

If you “Travel Like an Architect” you have an insatiable curiosity for the exotic and unusual. We have learned, through experience, there is no better way to visit amazing places and partake of marvelous architecture than on a cruise ship.

First, there are simply some places that are difficult to impossible to reach UNLESS you cruise there. We flew to Manaus, Brazil — the headwater of the Amazon River. In Manaus, we boarded a cruise ship — our floating hotel. We navigated down the Amazon, observing the rainforest, and stopping to visit small villages along the way. AND, each night we had a warm shower, delicious/safe food and secure place to sleep.

Suzee made friends with a man and his Monkey!

The children really loved her! I am guessing they had never seen anyone that “white”

Secondly, there are places that are AMAZING to visit, but not to stay. We have visited many cities where we enjoyed our daytime adventure, but would not have been comfortable, or felt safe, sleeping and eating there.  Chiapas, Mexico, Iquique, Chile, or even Lima, Peru, for some, may feel a bit menacing. While there is MUCH significant architecture to see in exotic places like these, there are not always hotels with the standards we enjoy on a daily basis. Rooms may not have air conditioning, or even screens on the windows. Water may not be safe to drink. Foods, while delicious, may not be prepared using the sanitary methods we take for granted.  But don’t be afraid to go – go on a Cruise! 

Further, exotic places are not always safe. Political instability, drug and people trafficking, or simply the conditions that exist in LARGE, and poor cities, create environs that are better avoided, if possible.

We have personally visited many exotic and unusual places that we would return to in an instant. We have also visited many where we were grateful that we had brought our own floating hotel and a five-star restaurant.

We saw the coolest Pyramids in Chiapas!

The Ghost Town that we visited in Iquique Chile was miles from the port!

The Inca Palace was well worth the drive from Lima Peru.

A random shot in traffic 🙂

Truthfully we have NEVER been anywhere that wasn’t worth going to – regardless of the conditions there!

Rob and Lynn Belles are seasoned travelers and Cruises Inc. Travel Agents

Gathering up the best experiences on Earth to share with you

for the purpose of inspiring you to go into the world with peace and kindness and learn all about the rest of humanity………..

CLICK HERE for pricing and info – Call for details 🙂

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We travel to get away and to be together, to learn and to teach, to experience and become wise, to turn off the news and ignore the clock, to connect to the world in a peaceful way all while leaving a bit of our wealth with someone else who needs it more than we do.  We know you could do this too or we wouldn’t be promoting it.  Go ahead step out of your comfort zone and dream a little then let us show you just how affordable your dreams really are!

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